SWOT Analysis
SWOT Analysis is a tool to find out the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats that are to be expected in a project or in a business venture or in something similar. It means that the situation (internal and external to the organization or individual) is looked at. It is one of the best tools to conduct the internal and external analysis for any company. Internal and external factors Internal factors may include employment, finance, manufacturing opportunities, and all of the marketing mix's 4Ps. External factors include macroeconomics, technological change, legislation, and sociocultural changes, as well as changes in the marketplace. Use SWOT analysis can be used in any decision-making situation. SWOT analysis can be used: to build organizational or personal strategy; for matching and converting; allow organizations to achieve their goals; as a basis for the analysis of business and environmental factors; in marketing — analyzing competitors....
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