FromSoftware's latest epic promises a challenging adventure for any Tarnished brave enough to seek the Elden Ring. This guide details how to adjust your mindset and make the most of what the game has to offer.


Embrace Multiple Playstyles
Your path is yours alone. Whether you favor melee combat with the Greatsword or rain death from above with Comet Azur, any tactic that leads to victory is valid. Some adventurers avoid summoning till late game, building their stats with Elden Ring runes earned from felled Ulcerated Tree Spirits.


Overcome Seemingly Endless Foes
When Maliketh's Black Blade leaves you weakened once more, take heart - every failure gifts experience. Boost your Vigor with runes won from selling your collection of Amber Draughts. Return strengthened until even Placidusax's storms can be dodged.


Seek Ever Greater Discoveries
Delve deepest caverns to unearth the Starscourge Heirloom and long-lost insights. Steep mountains guard Rune Arcs as valuable as any great rune.


Master Crafting's Mysteries
With a Crafting Kit, turn Rowa Fruits to Preserving Boluses or smear bleed-inducing Seppuku on arms before battles.


Kindle Cooperation's Flame
Red signs summon aid against even dragons and demigods. Drop your Duelist's Furled Finger and in turn learn fights without risk of losing Golden Elden Ring Runes.


Develop Your Build Strategically
RespecLarval Tears let you reshape stats to counter late-game challenges. Prepare dedicated INT/FTH and hybrid "quality" loadouts for New Game+ versatility.


Train Your Mind & Body in Parallel
While rune-gluttony augments offense, defense matters most. Study enemy tells to avoid hits. Pair weapon skills with well-timed Dodges until even Malenia's Waterfowl Dance poses no threat.


Engage the Online Community
Beyond co-op, enrich your understanding via message system. Helpful notes warn of traps, uncharted drops yield secret treasures. Praise brilliant strategy or item placements that aided you.


Weapon Arts Expand Combat Horizons
Master bashful ghost Glintstone Pebble as easily as rock-cleaving Lions Claw. On transient lazuli stones, imprint unusual skills for fresh scenarios. Articulate dual katanas sing their own songs.


Seek Legendary Armaments Purposefully
With landmarks' insights, bell-bearing hunters' wares unlockWHAT NEXThardcore strengths. Though lacking lore context, thank abstruse Remembrance holders for their bittersweet parting gifts.